Information is Everything - Learn what's now and next for analytics from Rockwell Automation

Gathering and using information from your devices, plants and then collaborating with you team, is important to modernizing and improving your entire operation.  Discover what you can do and how you can use the data from your plant.  

There are 3 ways to use information.

1.  Collaborate with your team in real time to make real time decisions and actions in your plant based on your data.

2.  Gather and use data from your individual devices and machines

3.  Use your data with machine learning to help you make the right decisions or automatically make decisions based on historical data.

Rockwell Automation has and is making these possible with different solutions.  

Listen and learn more via an interview with Bill Persyn who manages the information solutions for Rockwell Automation.


Learn more about FactoryTalk Analytics from Rockwell Automation:

Learn more about Rockwell Automation's Team One collaboration platform.  IT'S FREE to download:

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